Beyond Academics


Junior and Senior Libraries are revered as the temple of learning. The well stocked library is a centre of research as well as the study base for the students' projects and other school activities.
Learning Support
MSMSV strives to create an environment and facility for special needs. During their developmental period if the special educational need is felt, the learning centre provides learning support lessons. It helps students with academic learning gaps. Students with different learning needs are offered appropriate help in order to maximize progress and help them realize their potential. They receive individualized attention and are taught by trained special educators.
Inclusive Education Understanding the innate and unique potential of learners, we take under our wings the differently abled and under privileged and create appropriate learning space for them.
Counseling and Career Guidance Service
Growing up can be stressful in today's fast paced life. This service is an attempt to help an individual cope with the demands of self, parents, school and community and strike a harmonious balance in life. It provides guidance to students in planning the careers suited to their aptitude and interest.
Student Resource Centre A place where a child explores his world, satisfies his curiosity by experimenting and creating original and effective learning and teaching aids in the process.
Information Technology MSMSV wishes to give students a head start in life. ICT is part of the curriculum from Class I onwards. In classes XI and XII it becomes an elective subject and the CBSE Syllabus is followed. There are separate Laboratories for Junior, Seniors and Exchange Programmes with Windows as well as Linux Operating System. There are information and communication laboratories with latest Pentium machines. Parents’ Portal helps parents to view the academic progress of their ward from their homes.
Smart Class and Audio Visual Instruction Starting from primary classes Computer Technology is integrated with teaching methodology in ways that help students meet challenging standards, improve learning and give them a better understanding of how to use technology to learn.

The Air-Conditioned Audio Visual hall is well equipped with state of the art layout and infrastructure. Classrooms are digitalized with interactive boards and LCD projectors networked to a resource centre. Technology is used as a learning tool and for all administrative functions.
Learning by doing i.e. practical experience helps students to experience the process which enhances both theory and factual understanding. Psychology, Mathematics, Social Science, Geography, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Biotechnology and Language Laboratories are big, modern and well equipped.
Health Services These include First Aid, the Annual Medical Check up of the students and the staff and conducting health orientation and life skills programmes.
Infirmary The school has an infirmary with a full time trained nurse to provide necessary first aid.
Halls The Multi-purpose and the Games Halls in school are used for various activities and indoor games.